Would you like to know how to recruit solicitors or fee earners whilst never using a legal recruitment company again?
I am not normal. I know that. You may have guessed it from reading these emails.
For example. Recently I have got into the habit of lining up my calculator, pens and remote controls on my desk before I leave it at night. Don’t know where that came from.
I am perfectly happy working on my own all day. I have tried working with people in my office but I find that it stops me being so productive. So, I fly solo, all day, every day, in my office with huge windows and glimpses of boat masts (which is why I chose it).
And in my 14 year legal career, I never once used a legal recruitment company to get a job.
First job: 65 handwritten letters, 1 interview, 1 job.
Second job: 1 personal email offering to repay a partner in a law firm who had helped me out on a case by going to work for him. 1 interview, 1 job.
Third job: 1 introduction to a law firm owner looking for a marketing person, 1 lunch, 1 job.
Like I said, I am not normal.
Most solicitors, I know from hearing them say (often in bewilderment), go to one recruitment company and wait for the telephone to ring.
Which is one of the reasons why it is so difficult to find and recruit the right fee earners now.
It is also the reason that I have created a brand new system for attracting staff to you whenever you have a vacancy to fill that, once set up, takes a few minutes of your time and costs absolutely nothing at all.
I know it is going to help a lot of my clients to fill some empty desks.
I know that, on average, it is going to save them around £5-10,000 in recruitment fees PER CANDIDATE, repaying the fee for being a member of Marketing4Solicitors for the next 10 years at least every time they recruit a new member of their team.
I know this system goes into print today or tomorrow and then straight in the post to my members.
I know you should be on that mailing list, and that all you need to do to ensure that you are is to head here »
Ready To Take Action And See Results Now?
Please call 0117 290 8555 to arrange a mutually convenient time for a telephone discussion, Email me or complete a Free Online Enquiry. There is no cost or obligation. We will have a chat about where you are and where you would like to be and I will suggest some things you can do to get there quickly.