If you are looking for the best law firm marketing books that show you, very practically, how to improve your legal marketing, I believe that you are in the right place. I say that not to blow my own trumpet, but just to say that my law firm marketing books below do not hold back. I give you everything you need to know to grow your law firm.
The first few books below are instantly available to download from the Amazon Kindle store or in the case of The Law Firm Growth Formula to order in print if you would like it in that fashion. So if you are serious about getting serious with your law firm marketing, you can be taking positive action within just a few minutes from now and downloading some of the best law firm marketing books available to help you grow. If you do not have a Kindle, don’t worry, you can download a Kindle App for iPad and Android, and even a Kindle viewer for your computer, so you can still access this great content.
The Law Firm Growth Formula
The Law Firm Growth Formula tells a law firm owner, manager or business development executive exactly what they need to do to grow their law firm quickly and cost effectively.
It contains the formula that I have developed over the last 25+ years of successfully marketing law firms.
The Law Firm Growth Formula is now live on Amazon and you can even have the first few chapters for free, from me to you by clicking the link below:
See The Law Firm Growth Formula here:>>
Reviews Of The Law Firm Growth Formula Book
As an owner or manager of your law firm you want to achieve growth and then be able to “rinse and repeat”. This book tells you how in a practical and methodical way and gives you the tools to own this process for yourself, whether you do it all for yourself or manage others to do some or all of it for you. It also gives you the tools to measure and manage your progress. A refreshing and useful business read and having tested the method I know it works.
Marie Huntley, Huntley Legal Solicitors
A well structured and easy to follow guide to growing your law firm. Nick avoids ‘marketing speak’ and instead uses straightforward and accessible language, making his ideas easy to follow and implement. Helpful, informative and a must read for any lawyer involved in business development.
Jonathan Tyler, Partner, Seth Lovis & Co. Solicitors
High Street law firms continue to be under increasing pressure. That is not going to change. Advice from Nick Jervis over the last 8 years has been a critical factor in the growth of my successful and profitable practice, and his book is packed with practical marketing advice. If you want your law firm to prosper and thrive, you need to read this book.
Tim Bishop, Senior Partner, Bonallack and Bishop
Nick Jervis has written a very comprehensive marketing guide which will surely be of immense value to anyone wishing to grow their practice.
Nick has clearly drawn upon all his years of marketing experience to produce this practical and insightful guide which is packed full of information including a selection of very handy marketing checklists designed to give structure, momentum and success!
Buy it!
Chris Carter, Carter & Carter Solicitors
At last, a marketing book for lawyers written in plain English. Nick certainly gets to the point without resorting to marketing speak. You can look forward to learning about lots of simple, effective ideas to promote and grow your law firm. Packed with practical examples, this book provides a step by step guide to increase your turnover, profit and to enhance the reputation of your practice.
Jacqueline Emmerson, Director, Emmersons Solicitors
It is clear that Nick really understands the legal services market and what it takes to make the telephone ring for solicitors. I have no doubt that any solicitor who wants to grow their law firm reads this and then takes action will see very impressive results.
It is working for me!
Jonathan Goodwin, Solicitor Advocate
What Nick Jervis has written here is a straightforward guide that will allow any law firm to put in place marketing that attracts new clients predictably and reliably. Everything in this book is rooted in experience not theory, and Nick does a great job of explaining everything clearly. Armed with this book alone, someone who’s never marketed anything before would quickly be able to start generating good quality new leads and clients for their law firm.
Mark Creaser, Managing Partner, Ideal Result
Click here to view the book on Amazon »
Advertising Success Secrets For Solicitors
Most Solicitors Advertisements Simply Do Not Work And Never Will.
A bold statement, no? But think about this for a moment and you will probably agree with it.
If you run a law firm and have been placing advertisements for your legal services, how many times do these advertisements actually make your telephone ring? Yet this is their sole purpose.
Forget the advertising sales representative telling you that you are ‘building your brand’. Most solicitors simply do not have enough marketing budget to ‘build a brand’, so every single advertisement must make the telephone ring.
Advertising Success Secrets For Solicitors will help you to do just this, and includes:
- My secret PASTOR formula which makes it almost impossible to fail when writing new advertisements for your legal services;
- A selection of solicitor advertisement critiques to show you where you are currently going wrong;
- Some of the advertisements that I have written that have produced excellent results; and
- Some precedent advertisements for you to use and adapt for your own practice.
I used Nick Jervis’ Pastor Advertising Formula and generated 2,500 queries within one week of two newspaper ads!
Paul Doran – Doran Law Solicitors
So for a very small investment you can finally fix your broken law firm advertisements and start to make your telephone ring.
Click to view the book on Amazon »
More Clients Now
This one has been a best seller in the small business marketing section of Amazon, and has received some lovely feedback.
It provides you with 10 simple changes you can make to your website today to generate more client enquiries, pretty much instantly. They all work. I am very proud of this book, so for the price of a nice coffee, I recommend starting here.
Click to view More Clients Now on Amazon:>>
Cross Selling And Referrals For Solicitors
119 easy to implement ways to cross sell your legal services to your existing client database and to obtain referrals from other businesses.
Now, more than ever, solicitors need to make the most of their existing client database. The Cross Selling & Referrals ToolKit for solicitors (written by a solicitor (non-practising) with over 20 years law firm marketing experience, shares real, proven, practical tips with you.
Implement just a handful of the tips to see results quickly. Implement many of them and see a dramatic increase in instructions.
“Hello Nick,
Just want to repeat my thanks for the Cross Selling & Referrals ToolKit which is having a tremendous impact on all that we do, my receptionist is cross selling Wills like hot cakes. I have insisted on every member of staff reading it cover to cover which they all have and cross selling is rolling off everyone’s lips which is simply incredible, we have buzz which is quite infectious. ”
Peter Gibson, Solicitor, Coles Solicitors