Cross Selling Legal Services For Solicitors

If You Are Looking For An IMMEDIATE Boost Of New Client Instructions, one of the easiest methods is to improve cross selling legal services. Cross Selling More Services To Your Existing Clients Is Your Best Place To Look For Results!

If you called me today and asked me to give you some proven strategies for generating more new client instructions quickly and incredibly cost effectively I would immediately say to you “Why not sell more of your services to your existing clients?”

You might react by saying “I am really keen to do this Nick, but it is just too difficult. We have tried and failed before.”

If this is the case, I have something to make this an awful lot easier for you, a pretty much foolproof system.


First let’s look at something which is pivotal to this issue; the only methods you can use to grow your practice.

The ONLY 3 ways to grow your business

There are only three ways that you can grow your legal business:

  1. Recruit new clients (the most expensive option); or
  2. Persuade each client to purchase more each time (often difficult
    with legal services as they may only have one accident, one house
    move or be buying one business at a time); or
  3. Sell more services to your existing clients.

I pick number 3 everytime because it is without doubt the easiest, cheapest and most successful option.

Cross Selling Legal Services
The Cross Selling & Referrals To Toolkit For Solicitors

If you have already persuaded a client to choose you as their solicitor on one occasion, it is so much easier for them to come back and use your services again. However, they will only do this if you ask them to come back to you, make it easy for them and keep asking them to do so.

Would you like 119 ways to persuade your clients to buy more of your services, including a very simple, ‘non salesy’ script for your solicitors to use to easily cross sell more of your legal services?

Would you like 119 proven Cross Selling and Referral Strategies to generate more instructions from your existing clients along with more referrals from current referrers?

Would you finally like to make the whole process of cross selling your legal services as simple as it really should be?


Good. All you need to do to find out more about these 119 methods is to click on the book cover below to download the free brochure (no cost or obligation).

Ready To Take Action And See Results Now?

Please call 0117 290 8555 to arrange a mutually convenient time for a telephone discussion, Email me or complete a Free Online Enquiry. There is no cost or obligation. We will have a chat about where you are and where you would like to be and I will suggest some things you can do to get there quickly.

Claire Johnson

Nick is a fountain of knowledge, tried and tested personally. He has that rare gift of not making you feel daft for asking any question. After our consultation I felt far less like a rabbit in the headlights and far more empowered to climb the marketing mountain successfully.

Imran Ali

I have been working with Nick Jervis for well over a year now.

I am a subscriber to the Marketing for Solicitors Service which has taught me integral techniques and tricks of the trade to grow my firm.

I can honestly say that Nick Jervis taught me a number of techniques that I would not ordinarily have thought of.

I feel that Nick Jervis is essential if you are serious about growing your business.

I would recommend his services to anyone who is serious about growing their firm.

I feel that Nick has totally transformed the way we now think and he is a genius in the world of marketing for law firms.

In my opinion, the consultancy offered by Nick Jervis will drive real value to your business.

Mark Shepherd

I have worked with Nick for many years. He is an excellent consultant and helps law firms and businesses attract the clients they are looking for. Highly recommend.

Carl Atkinson

I have enjoyed working with Nick over the past couple of years and his advice has helped me manage and improve the marketing of my business.

Nick has provided many helpful and practical suggestions to improve my marketing strategy and I am happy to recommend his services.

Tim Bishop

As the owner of a small to medium-sized law firm, I have found that Samson Consulting’s Marketing4Solicitors monthly newsletter has proved absolutely invaluable throughout the last three years or so. Of all the marketing advice I’ve had over the years, this has proved by far the best value – bringing us tens of thousand of pounds of extra work every year.

One of the best tricks Nick Jervis [who owns Samson Consulting] uses, is not only to identify the kind of marketing actions a small or medium-sized business can take themselves, but he also explains why it works and most importantly then takes you through, step-by-step exactly what you need to do. As someone who is passionate about growing my business, I really look forward to receiving Nick’s excellent newsletter every month.

It’s worth pointing out that initially I was sceptical about his promises – so many marketing businesses promise the earth. But within a couple of months I was absolutely convinced he was right and I have been hooked ever since.

I recommend Nick Jervis and Samson Consulting without any hesitation whatsoever.