Starting a new Law firm marketing strategy & England Test Cricket

I am a big England cricket fan. If you know anything about test cricket, you will know that England have been playing woefully in the current West Indies series. If you don’t know anything about test cricket, let me tell you that England have been playing woefully against the West Indies in the current series.

Now I wouldn’t normally talk about cricket in a law firm growth email, but there are definitely very Starting a new marketing strategy & England Test Cricketimportant lessons to be learned.

This struck me when I was talking to a business friend (who knows nothing about cricket) about a new

marketing challenge that he had to overcome. He felt that implementing this new marketing tactic was just a task of such gargantuan proportions that he could not contemplate how to even begin it.

This is where I used my cricket analogy.

In test cricket, you are supposed to score 400 or more runs each time your team bats.

England have been scoring 180 runs, 130 runs, 70 runs even, so they are falling way short of the mark.

Now if you tell a batsman to go and score 400 runs on his own, he is going to feel completely overwhelmed and not even try. Very few batsmen ever score 400 runs on their own.

What the England coach should be telling his team, but clearly isn’t, is to build 5 run partnerships. Just go out and get 5 runs with your partner, then get another 5, then another 5. Build 10 of those 5 run partnerships and you have 50 runs. Do that eight times and you have 400 runs and you have a half decent test score.

It is precisely the same with any new marketing strategy that you wish to implement. 

Don’t think of it, like my friend was, as one huge challenge that defeats you before you even begin, but instead think of it as a few individual tasks (5 run partnerships) which when put together create a wonderful new marketing strategy that delivers new clients to you consistently every week, month and year.

For example, if you decided to start an email database so that you could keep in touch with your clients each and every month (which then produces a regular flow of new clients for you), you might initially feel overwhelm.

Which marketing software should I use, how do I even start, how do I add people to it, what do I say to them….. you soon blow up at the enormity of the challenge before you.

What you should do is break it into small tasks, then, when you adhere to my “first 30 minutes of every day working on growing your law firm” strategy (before emails, social media or ANYTHING ELSE), you then can tackle it one challenge at a time.

Day 1 – Research email software. (I recommend and use Aweber:>>)

Day 2 – Sign up for the email software and watch the videos showing you how to set up each stage of your email list.

Day 3 – Put together a list of your most current clients – for example, the last 3 months maximum – any longer and you will achieve less and less sign ups, so it isn’t worth the time. This doesn’t matter though; an email database grows best once it is started. Start it today, add new enquirers every day and you will soon have 1,000 people on there.

Day 4 – Add your subscribers to your email marketing software database.

Day 5 – Choose a topic for your first email. Your article wants to answer a question that your best prospects are asking. For help with this go to Google and start typing questions around your legal service and Google will provide lots of suggestions for you as you start typing. Turn one of these suggestions into a question and you have your first article title.

Day 6 – Start writing your article.

Day 7 – Finish your article.

Day 8 – Edit your article.

Day 9 – Add your article to your blog, thereby giving your website more chances of attracting new prospects to your website. This is a double whammy. Your article will form the basis of your email newsletter but also gives you chances of attracting more visitors to your website at the precise moment in time that they are looking for a solicitor.

Day 10 – Draft your first email, referencing the article and linking to the full article on your website.

Day 11 – Do a final check of your email and schedule it to be sent out at a good time and date (Tuesday or Thursday mornings are best).

Hey presto! 

11 days of 30 minutes maximum and your email marketing database is up and running and your first email is sent.

Your partnership of 30 minute spells has got a “huge, scary” marketing strategy off the ground.

What are you putting off that could grow your law firm?

If you are stuck and cannot think how to get it off the ground,  why not schedule a call with me? //

Alternatively, if you would like to know the four most important marketing strategies that EVERY law firm should be undertaking, along with step by step guides on how to implement them, buy The Law Firm Growth Formula.  How smart solicitors attract more of the right clients at the right price to grow their law firm quickly.

Anthony McCarthy

Nick gives simple and clear advice which makes sense.

In a field full of smoke and mirror merchants he is the real deal.

His book, content and webinars are first class.

Highly recommended.

Emerson Scotland

Brilliant, insightful and a great discussion. Nick certainly knows his stuff and makes you feel at ease.

Chris Thomas

As usual with Nick he was super informative and helpful and gave me some very good tips for me to go forward with. He exudes positivity and makes dealing with him a pleasure. Also gave me a steer in helping two other contacts I have who may be able to use his services

Vinay Tanna

As a medium sized Law Firm we have been dealing with Nick for a good few years now – his assistance and support delivered in a friendly but professional way has been invaluable; added to this, coming from a legal background he has a firm understanding of what solicitors require.

At our initial meeting with Nick he advised on various marketing strategies including simple changes to our website that would enhance traffic to the site.

We are now working on a new marketing project and know, as always, we are in safe hands.

Claire Johnson

Nick is a fountain of knowledge, tried and tested personally. He has that rare gift of not making you feel daft for asking any question. After our consultation I felt far less like a rabbit in the headlights and far more empowered to climb the marketing mountain successfully.