What is the number?
“Nick, I have been spending £10,000 a month on Google Ads for six months. When should I expect to generate a Return On Investment?”
“Six months ago” I answered.
Ads should provide you with a return on investment within the first two months, often the first month. This poor solicitor had been promised a ROI sometime before the end of the first year. Ouch!
I mentioned in my last email that I would let you have the ROI figure that I expect my clients to make from a Google Ads campaign. It is a minimum of three to one.
If they spend £2,000 a month including my fees to set up and manage the campaign, I expect and want them to be billing AT LEAST three times that sum, therefore, £6,000 per month. That way, they at least break even, but with repeat business and some clients spending a lot more than initially expected, it will make them a good profit too.
Many clients beat this by a number of multiples.
What is your current ROI with Google Ads?
Google Ads Whitepaper For Solicitors. Click here to receive your copy:>>
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