Why Bother With A Legal Marketing Plan?

Many solicitors who I meet do not have a legal marketing plan. No. All solicitors I meet do not have a legal marketing plan; well that is until they start working with me.

Now when I say ‘legal marketing plan’, I am not thinking of the traditional (useless) marketing plan that is 50 to 100 pages long and which says very little about what the solicitor needs to do to win new clients.

I am talking about a legal marketing action plan. Something which should sit on one or two pages of A4 and outline what action needs to be taken to move the law firm from A to B in terms of generating new client instructions.

To be able to follow any plan the most important aspect is that it must be achievable. There is no point setting a marketing plan to move your firm from £150,000 in legal fees to £15,000,000 in three years without any resources to do this. However, it is perfectly possible to set a plan to move from £150,000 to £300,000 in 12 to 24 months, or £1,500,000 to £3,000,000 in the same period of time.

Once you have set your achievable targets, how are you going to get there? There is usually one thing that you can and should be doing that will make a substantial difference to the success of your law firm and will move you much closer towards your goals.

What is it?

It will be different from every firm of solicitors of course, but often it involves a decent online marketing strategy to generate new leads on auto pilot, or starting and maintaining a regular client email newsletter, or a direct mail campaign to your existing client database. You should have a good inkling for what you know you should be doing which you are not yet doing. Start with this.

The other benefit of seeing a huge surge in client instructions and profit costs when you start ticking off items from your legal marketing action plan is that it motivates you to keep going.

Find your one ‘hot item’ and then implement a marketing system to make that happen within 90 days icluding the automation of the marketing system once it is up and running.

Then go back and do it again and again until in a year or two, instead of the one or two marketing methods you are currently relying on far too heavily to produce your new instructions (you are, aren’t you?), you suddenly have five or six of them. This will make your law firm a far more successful, stable and also disposable asset.

When are you going to create your one page 90 day legal marketing action plan?

If you need help doing this, why not let me help you?
Click Here to Download Your Free Law Firm Marketing Plan Template Now:>>

Ready To Take Action And See Results Now?

Please call 0117 290 8555 to arrange a mutually convenient time for a telephone discussion, Email me or complete a Free Online Enquiry. There is no cost or obligation. We will have a chat about where you are and where you would like to be and I will suggest some things you can do to get there quickly.

Legal Marketing

Chris Carter

Nick has for a long time now been the go to Legal Marketing Expert offering game changing advice in a no-nonsense way.

As well as knowing what works, he will also make sure you don’t waste valuable time on initiatives that aren’t destined to chime.

Approachable, friendly and fun to deal with he will always make sure you are travelling in the right direction and on the road to success.

Can’t recommend enough!

Michael Birch

Less than a year ago I asked Nick to help me grow our practice by making the telephone ring.

He’s certainly done that and much more.

The improvements are incredible and Nick has guided me through the many challenges of scaling up, not least the need for a client focused approach.

This has allowed me to start the next phase; organising the practice to ensure a better lifestyle balance for all of us, whilst we continue to grow.

Chris Rennie

Nick takes a no-nonsense approach, cuts the fluff and gets straight to the point – which is an approach that you see very little nowadays in the world of marketing where you have many gurus with complex approach that most probably never work. I look forward to working with Nick.

Mark Shepherd

I have worked with Nick for many years. He is an excellent consultant and helps law firms and businesses attract the clients they are looking for. Highly recommend.

Carl Atkinson

I have enjoyed working with Nick over the past couple of years and his advice has helped me manage and improve the marketing of my business.

Nick has provided many helpful and practical suggestions to improve my marketing strategy and I am happy to recommend his services.

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