I had my haircut for the first time since lockdown last week.
I had it cut twice during lockdown, once when I let my 18 year old son do it, the other time when I did it myself. Neither provided a great result, so it was good to get it done properly.
Whilst at the barbers I was impressed with a really simple idea; they were selling fresh flowers!
They have a steady stream of potential flower buyers coming through their shop every day, and they are now meeting their needs. The barber makes a small commission but, more importantly, the customer can kill two birds with one stone.
In normal times this barbershop also provides you with a fresh cup of coffee I am advised, but this is temporarily curtailed due to lockdown.
I will definitely be going back; coffee, flowers and a trim, what is not to like. They have made my life easier and bought my loyalty.
This leads me to two questions.
1. What else do your clients buy that you could easily introduce them to?
What can you do to make your clients’ lives easier?
If you are a business solicitor is it an accountant or an IFA?
If you are a conveyancing solicitor do you have a relationship with a removal company or interior designers?
I know many solicitors feel they don’t want to be seen to be pushing their clients to use certain providers, but I know having spoken with many clients and being one myself, if you can find me someone that you recommend who makes my life a lot easier, then I am all for that.
2. Who else has your ideal clients?
Who else has your ideal clients so that your flowers (legal services) can be sold to them?
This is the flip of number one above.
In an ideal world, reciprocation wins.
You refer to other businesses and they refer new clients back to you.
I speak with dozens of solicitors who generate a lot of referrals. However, when I ask them precisely how many and who refers the most business, they are not sure. You must be sure, so track those numbers if you receive referrals.
When I then ask them how many times they approach new potential referral partners, they usually say ‘never’.
You should, regularly.
I have a full LinkedIn Referral Marketing Plan inside Marketing4Solicitors, Blueprint Number 9.
It shows you how to maximise your profile, then how to find potential referral partners, connect with them, then communicate consistently with them to generate more referrals into your business.
If you would like more referrals, you can join Marketing4Solicitors right now – here://www.marketing4solicitors.co.uk/join-now/