Conveyancing Marketing Services

Are you a conveyancing solicitor looking for more clients? Are you keen to discover which conveyancing marketing services work well and which are bound to fail?

It used to be easy didn’t it? Conveyancing solicitors would choose an office in a High Street, open the front doors and the clients would just keep coming in and asking for prices for you to complete their conveyancing for them. However, over the course of the last few years that situation has changed and not enough people come through the door any more. Why is this?

Quite simply, people’s buying habits have changed, and more importantly they will never change back to how they used to be. This has both good news and bad news attached to it.

The bad news is that it is no longer an option to sit there and hope that it will go back to how it used to be (I know that you understand that which is why you are reading this article).

The good news is that it is not impossible to get back to how it used to be, and even beyond that.

So how does a solicitor source conveyancing work now?

To source conveyancing work now, a conveyancing solicitor MUST:

1. Have an easy to use, up to date website promoting their services;
2. Promote that website using both free and paid methods of advertising;
3. Keep in touch with clients and prospects at least once every month (easy nowadays with email marketing – no excuses any longer); and
4. Be seen and heard regularly by all of those who matter in the local property market.

If any of those items above make you uncomfortable, let me assure you that they can all be completed with very little time, effort or expense on your part. You can almost totally outsource items one to three from the list, with the fourth one requiring only a modest amount of time on your part. So there really is no excuse for you not to have as many conveyancing clients as you would like for your law firm.

I have given you the formula above, but to find out how to complete each of the above items download my free guide which will give you a lot more detail. Simply enter your details into the box below and you will soon be obtaining as much conveyancing work as you can handle. Does that sound good?

Ready To Take Action And See Results Now?

Please call 0117 290 8555 to arrange a mutually convenient time for a telephone discussion, Email me or complete a Free Online Enquiry. There is no cost or obligation. We will have a chat about where you are and where you would like to be and I will suggest some things you can do to get there quickly.

Law Firm Marketing

Chris Rennie

Nick takes a no-nonsense approach, cuts the fluff and gets straight to the point – which is an approach that you see very little nowadays in the world of marketing where you have many gurus with complex approach that most probably never work. I look forward to working with Nick.

Anthony McCarthy

Nick gives simple and clear advice which makes sense.

In a field full of smoke and mirror merchants he is the real deal.

His book, content and webinars are first class.

Highly recommended.

Tim Bishop

As the owner of a small to medium-sized law firm, I have found that Samson Consulting’s Marketing4Solicitors monthly newsletter has proved absolutely invaluable throughout the last three years or so. Of all the marketing advice I’ve had over the years, this has proved by far the best value – bringing us tens of thousand of pounds of extra work every year.

One of the best tricks Nick Jervis [who owns Samson Consulting] uses, is not only to identify the kind of marketing actions a small or medium-sized business can take themselves, but he also explains why it works and most importantly then takes you through, step-by-step exactly what you need to do. As someone who is passionate about growing my business, I really look forward to receiving Nick’s excellent newsletter every month.

It’s worth pointing out that initially I was sceptical about his promises – so many marketing businesses promise the earth. But within a couple of months I was absolutely convinced he was right and I have been hooked ever since.

I recommend Nick Jervis and Samson Consulting without any hesitation whatsoever.

Emerson Scotland

Brilliant, insightful and a great discussion. Nick certainly knows his stuff and makes you feel at ease.

Tim Weir

Having implemented a raft of improvements to our website and marketing campaigns suggested in Nick’s excellent books, I decided to contact the man himself for a one-to-one discussion.

The thirty minutes spent with Nick on that video call provided me with more business improvement tools than I could’ve hoped for. Nick even took the time to give me some insights on client conversion particular to our area of practice.

Online reviews are often brimming with trite phrases and hyperbole, but I cannot find any other way of saying that my only regret is that I didn’t contact Samson Consulting sooner.

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