My marketing plan for business to business solicitors, in its simplest format, to attract their ideal clients consistently, is this:
- Write articles on your website that answer questions your ideal clients type into Google. For me, this relates usually to “how to get more clients for a xxx”. For you it might be “How do I extend my commercial property lease?” or “How do I fire an employee?”.
- On each of those articles, offer an ‘item of value’ such as a PDF book, a checklist or even just your brochure in exchange for their email address.
- Email your prospects every single week, without fail, providing valuable information that answers your prospects questions, proving your expertise, then at the end of that email offer a strategy call with you. I use and recommend Aweber for my email marketing. Reply to this email if you would like my set up guide.
- Include in that email the link to your online diary, embedded into your website, using the software that I use or similar – Acuity. This software syncs with your current calendar software to ensure appointments cannot be booked over each other.
When you have followed this system for several weeks and months, your diary will be full of prospects eager to discover more about working with you.
In my experience, most business to business solicitors never complete the system, or if they do, are not consistent at following it, and CONSISTENCY is what makes ALL of the difference to its success or failure.