Sole Practitioner Doubles Turnover – How?

John is a sole practitioner with no fee earners but ambitions to grow turnover from £125,000 to £300,000 as quickly as possible.

John does everything himself as a sole practitioner with no fee earners, and whilst he is making a reasonable living, he is not making the extra income which will allow him to enjoy more of the good life which he so craves.

After all, he has been a solicitor for a number of years now and used to bill significantly more when he was employed, so now that he benefits directly from all of his billing, he would like to grow it.

So far, however, he has failed to do so.

He has tried various random marketing activities that occasionally have produced some results, but as soon as he gets busy he stops marketing and a few months later he is quiet again.

He has decided this year to do something different, although what exactly he is not entirely sure.

He finds some help and it looks perfect.

It starts with a one to one call during which a detailed yet simple plan is created which John will follow for the next few weeks to ensure that he makes progress towards his goals. By the time John receives this plan he now knows exactly what he has to do to make his dream of more than doubling his turnover come true, and come true quickly.

Whereas before at this point the plan would be printed off and then left to rot with no action being taken, this time John is given just seven days to complete the first steps of the plan before he has to report back with his progress.

In some ways this makes John feel like he is an employee again, but then he smiles to himself when he realises that when he was an employee he easily billed £300,000 because he was accountable to someone else other than himself. This programme is starting to feel like exactly what John needs!

The first week flies by and John manages to keep his work ticking over but also complete the first stages of his marketing masterplan. He calls into the first planned call and provides his update, receives some training to help him implement the next steps, then confirms what steps he will have taken by this time next week. He is also given some extra resources to help him implement the next steps quickly and easily.

He finishes the call even more invigorated than he already was. John hasn’t felt like this in years.

The next three weeks pass by really quickly and John has already started taking on more clients than he has done for a number of years. He cannot believe how quickly these changes have produced results.

John is now in a period of a two week break from the programme, which allows him time to bed down his new processes and also ensure he is keeping his current clients happy.

After the two week break, John is feeling a little swamped. He is surprised just how quickly everything has worked and how many more clients he has, but is struggling to keep up.

On the next call the programme organiser listens to John’s concerns and then suggests a simple way to free up a significant part of John’s day.

John cannot believe he did not do this earlier as suddenly he is free to concentrate on the parts of his practice that he enjoys the most and to delegate the other parts for a very modest outlay.

John flies through the next three weeks of the programme and by the time he has finished he has had his two best months ever of new client instructions and if he carries on this way he will easily meet his new target of £300,000.

John knows that he will carry on this way because he has been trained, coached and helped to ensure that the marketing tactics will work with or without John’s input.

John’s only concern is this:

“Why didn’t I do this earlier?”

The story of John is not an isolated event. It is what happens to all solicitors when they join my Fast Track To More Clients Programme.

In just 12 weeks’ time you could be in the same position as John; would you like to be?

If yes, please select a time for me to talk you through the programme in more detail to see if it is a good fit for you too:

Click Here to Discover More About The Fast Track To More Clients Programme:>>

Ready To Take Action And See Results Now?

Please call 0117 290 8555 to arrange a mutually convenient time for a telephone discussion, Email me or complete a Free Online Enquiry. There is no cost or obligation. We will have a chat about where you are and where you would like to be and I will suggest some things you can do to get there quickly.

Legal Marketing Services

Tim Bishop

As the owner of a small to medium-sized law firm, I have found that Samson Consulting’s Marketing4Solicitors monthly newsletter has proved absolutely invaluable throughout the last three years or so. Of all the marketing advice I’ve had over the years, this has proved by far the best value – bringing us tens of thousand of pounds of extra work every year.

One of the best tricks Nick Jervis [who owns Samson Consulting] uses, is not only to identify the kind of marketing actions a small or medium-sized business can take themselves, but he also explains why it works and most importantly then takes you through, step-by-step exactly what you need to do. As someone who is passionate about growing my business, I really look forward to receiving Nick’s excellent newsletter every month.

It’s worth pointing out that initially I was sceptical about his promises – so many marketing businesses promise the earth. But within a couple of months I was absolutely convinced he was right and I have been hooked ever since.

I recommend Nick Jervis and Samson Consulting without any hesitation whatsoever.

Imran Ali

I have been working with Nick Jervis for well over a year now.

I am a subscriber to the Marketing for Solicitors Service which has taught me integral techniques and tricks of the trade to grow my firm.

I can honestly say that Nick Jervis taught me a number of techniques that I would not ordinarily have thought of.

I feel that Nick Jervis is essential if you are serious about growing your business.

I would recommend his services to anyone who is serious about growing their firm.

I feel that Nick has totally transformed the way we now think and he is a genius in the world of marketing for law firms.

In my opinion, the consultancy offered by Nick Jervis will drive real value to your business.

Anthony McCarthy

Nick gives simple and clear advice which makes sense.

In a field full of smoke and mirror merchants he is the real deal.

His book, content and webinars are first class.

Highly recommended.

Chris Carter

Nick has for a long time now been the go to Legal Marketing Expert offering game changing advice in a no-nonsense way.

As well as knowing what works, he will also make sure you don’t waste valuable time on initiatives that aren’t destined to chime.

Approachable, friendly and fun to deal with he will always make sure you are travelling in the right direction and on the road to success.

Can’t recommend enough!

Tim Weir

Having implemented a raft of improvements to our website and marketing campaigns suggested in Nick’s excellent books, I decided to contact the man himself for a one-to-one discussion.

The thirty minutes spent with Nick on that video call provided me with more business improvement tools than I could’ve hoped for. Nick even took the time to give me some insights on client conversion particular to our area of practice.

Online reviews are often brimming with trite phrases and hyperbole, but I cannot find any other way of saying that my only regret is that I didn’t contact Samson Consulting sooner.

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