I have always loved a chart or a table, and about this time each year I like to show you what was top of the charts when it came to blogs or articles that solicitors found most interesting last year on my website, so in reverse order here they are:
Number 3 – 21 Random Legal Marketing Ideas To Win New Clients For Solicitors
At number 3 in the charts we have 21 Random Legal Marketing Ideas. Can you implement just one of these to see some new clients running your way?
Number 2 – Marketing Conveyancing Services. Conveyancing Marketing Ideas for Solicitors.
At number 2, it’s an old favourite pop pickers with How To Market Conveyancing Services. If you would like 20 additional instructions next month; here you go:
Number 1 – 10 Legal Newsletter Names For Solicitors
At number 1, it seems that solicitors still want to send email marketing newsletters, despite many not yet having started the process. If you are ready, here are some naming ideas for your Whizz Bang Wallop email bobby dazzler:
Until next week pop pickers….. keep on keeping on.