If you now know your number (you do, don’t you), then you will now know how many people are finding your website every month.
Let’s have a look at what this means by looking at my Google Analytics numbers:
Users: 1,195. This is the total number of people visiting your site in one month. If you have been in practice for any length of time I would expect your site to be at around 1,000 per month. If you have added new content that answers your ideal clients’ questions consistently (as per my plan in The Law Firm Growth Formula – https://amzn.to/35jCwNQ) it should be anything from 3,000 to 10,000+ per month. When you have that many visitors you have a lot of enquiries for your services.
New Users: 1,186. As it says.
Sessions: 1,379. The total number of time those users have been onto your website.
Sessions per user: 1.15. The average sessions per user (some people come back more than once – so you are doing something right).
Page Views: 2,351. The total number of pages that your users hopped around on.
Pages/Session: 1.70. As it says. If you can beat 1.5 here that is good. If you can beat 2 then you are really engaging your visitors.
Average Session Duration: 38 seconds.
Bounce Rate: 62.00%. This is the percentage of people who arrive at your website, view one page and the leave. I need to have a little rant about Bounce Rate because some people become fixated with it. Many of you will have a bounce rate of 70-80%, but this does not always mean that your website is broken. If you ensure that each page on your site for each of your services answers all of your ideal prospect’s concerns and takes away any doubt that they should contact you (again, covered in detail in The Law Firm Growth Formula), then one page is often enough for them to give you a call to discover more about your services.
If you have more than 1,000 people a month visiting your website, next week I am going to share a tool with you which can instantly increase the volume of enquiries for your services.
For clarification, these figures are from my Solicitors Near Me website. All leads generated from this website go to members of Marketing4Solicitors as a part of their monthly membership fee.
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