If you are thinking of starting up a law firm, should you bother, or is the market already overcrowded?
Well, I firmly believe that there are still significant opportunities available for anyone starting a law firm this year. In fact, I receive visitors to my website every day thinking of starting a law firm right now so it is clear many other people feel optimistic too!
I have also seen many solicitors successfully start up their firms over the course of the last year. Before I knew that I was going to be a marketing consultant for law firms I briefly considered setting up my own firm, but I knew that my heart would not be in it. My love is for marketing legal services as opposed to the provision of them, so I set up Samson Consulting and am very glad that I made the right decision.
However, if you are thinking of setting up your own firm, what are the steps or processes that you need to go through to successfully achieve this? What are the management and financial issues you need to consider. What about the marketing and staffing issues, not to mention all of the compliance challenges? How do you juggle all of these issues whilst providing the excellent client service you will be looking to provide?
Well take some help from my 21 Point Setting Up A Law Firm Checklist below. All you need to do is click the button below to receive it instantly:
Ready To Take Action And See Results Now?
Please call 0117 290 8555 to arrange a mutually convenient time for a telephone discussion, Email me or complete a Free Online Enquiry. There is no cost or obligation. We will have a chat about where you are and where you would like to be and I will suggest some things you can do to get there quickly.