My email last week, with just a few simple words, generated over 20 responses.
Remember the email:
“Are you still looking for more clients?”
It is a very effective email, named the ‘9 word email’ and it produces results every time.
If you already have an email list, you should be bold and test it.
For your email list, it may read:
“Are you still looking for legal help?”
The trick is then to avoid the very English urge to add more words. It is a question that requires its brevity to work.
It proves to me, beyond any doubt, that simple emails without any design or branding are absolutely the
way to go. Try it!
If you have an email list, please try sending that email, then let me know how many responses you receive.
If you have an email list, please try sending that email and watch the responses from your prospects fly in.
If you don’t yet have an email list, you really do need one. Download my Email Mastery guide by clicking the button below: