I was talking to one of my Marketing4Solicitors ToolKit solicitors recently. He explained that he was very disappointed in me (which worried me).
He called to provide me with some feedback on my new Cross Selling And Referrals ToolKit for solicitors. Now before I explain why he was disappointed, let me tell you that this is a marketing savvy solicitor that is doing amazing things with his business. He is trying new marketing methods and getting great results.
He said that the reason for his disappointment was that when he saw my recent email about the new Cross Selling And Referrals ToolKit he thought ‘I will buy this and when I find it has not taught me anything new I will ask for the guarantee to be honoured and request all of my money back’.
His disappointment – he found the ToolKit to be very useful! (Phew)
Lesson learned – guaranteeing your services gives people the confidence to try them knowing that if they are not completely satisfied they can request a refund.
If you can, and you believe in the value that you offer, as I am sure you do, I would strongly advise you to use guarantees for your services.
I would also advise you to buy my Cross Selling And Referrals ToolKit too, before the Christmas break when the price increases by 20%!
Buy the Cross Selling ToolKit Now?
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Please call 0117 290 8555 to arrange a mutually convenient time for a telephone discussion, Email me or complete a Free Online Enquiry. There is no cost or obligation. We will have a chat about where you are and where you would like to be and I will suggest some things you can do to get there quickly.